Parenting Can Feel Isolating isolation new parent new parents parenting Nov 06, 2019

The moment I left my job to stay home with Esme, I felt alone. Alone in a way I had never experienced. It was isolation coupled with the unknowing that left me at a loss. I was doing a job I knew noth...

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My New Normal new parent parenting transitioning Nov 06, 2019

All I ever wanted was to be a mother, and once I became a mother, it wasn’t all I ever wanted. I loved my daughters with all my heart and found the “tasks” of being a mom easy. I breastfed, wore my ki...

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Why I Wasn't Prepared to be a Parent insecurity new parent parenting Oct 29, 2019

If you had met me 10 years ago and asked me about becoming a new mom I would have told you I had everything figured out. My baby registry was filled with all the newest thingamabobs and doohickies. I ...

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